You've come to the right place if you are looking for practical tools and actionable articles on business analysis. Check out our free course on navigating the BABOK and have a look at some of our most popular charts and articles below.

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Free course: BABOK 3 Navigation Maps

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    Popular business analysis charts

    BABOK 3 overview

    BABOK 3 overview

    Change management

    Change management

    Agile team roles & responsibilities

    Agile roles

    The impact of poor requirements

    Agile roles

    Business analysis whitepapers

    Business Analysis Lifecycle

    This whitepaper introduces the concept of the business analysis lifecycle to provide a structured and repeatable approach to solving business problems, and to provide a means of improving BA performance and quality.

    Navigating the BABOK 2.0 This paper contains 6 visual maps of the different knowledge areas in the BABOK. Each map is a single page diagram that shows the tasks, techniques, stakeholders and documents. The paper also shows how the areas are interconnected and provides a diagram of the requirements lifecycle. Additionally, it maps the knowledge areas to different project phases. It provides great supplementary material if you're studying the BABOK or use it in your work.

    An overview of modern business analysis

    Are you starting out in business analysis? Do you sometimes find it a bit overwhelming and confusing? This paper will be useful. It provides a simple overview of modern business analysis, and shows the context it's performed in (it's important to see the bigger picture!).

    Business analysis checklists

    Project initiation checklist for business analysts

    Use this checklist to ensure a smooth start of a project.

    Project handover checklist for business analysts

    Use this checklist to make sure you get all the relevant information when you take over a project in progress.

    Popular articles

    Tracking the state of BA documents using a Kanban technique

    Business Analyst: a title that doesn't reflect the profession

    Streamline requirements prioritisation using a prioritisation matrix

    Recent blog posts

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